The Doctor, cont.

4 min readMar 1, 2021

Day 2.

He did send me a message the following day, one which I definitely did not expect. I was busy at work already and never got to respond on time. By the time I saw the message, I assumed he is already rounding by then. I continued to work for the rest of the morning.

Then he called during lunchtime.

Very interesting, as we were exchanging common pleasantries at first, it quickly turned to spicy details about how the previous day went. I reveled in the way he is meeting me head-on, challenging me with this game — circling each other, being predators and prey at the same time, whoever allows it to be. I definitely do have a way with words, but I would definitely say he is such a hard match to beat, as he is able to catch me off guard, even if I thought I already have the upper hand. Again, this proves now as a great point of attraction I had for him. He is definitely not short of being handsome, with that dashing smile, the confidence, the look that he knows the game he is playing and intends to win it. (Again, while typing this, I remember how it felt and my neck is again flushed. Probably my face as well.) He did say that he has the rest of the afternoon until early evening open, which he was requesting whether I can spend that time with him. It’s as if the stars were aligned, as I was also having a perfectly easy work day. We talked for the whole time he was on break and got interrupted, as he got paged back to see a patient.

A couple of hours passed and he called me back — now on Facetime. I was still finishing up with my work for the day, while I saw him opening his door to his place, just casually talking how our day went, and again that strong connection of us being on the same specialties really made it click. The more we talk about work, the more I am attracted to his mind. I know he is far way out of my league in the profession, but never had I heard or felt him being condescending. He was very carefree, being himself, even if we are discussing disease process and patient care experiences. But now that I also saw his home, his room, his bed — it never felt more real than that. The thought of him letting me in his real life, taking a space, the knowledge of his reality — it’s intoxicating. The thought of his life that’s supposed to be hidden, illicit, masked from an outsider like me, from someone from The Space — and being just confident in showing his reality is a rush I have never felt before. Finally, I did finish my work for the day and he was getting settled in his room (or their room — if you have not read the first part, The Doctor is married.) I was getting settled and relaxed with our work conversations, when again — being the cocky man he is, he turned the tables on me and started to circle around, getting ready to pounce. At that point, if I am being completely honest with myself, I am already strung tight in anticipation from our conversation from lunch. He definitely pushed me over to the edge and the thrill of falling led me to a very fast, strong bliss. He continued to circle around and push my buttons a couple of times, until both my mind and body was pushed to a level I did not know, nor dare to explore — an exhausted, molten, boiling desire — drained, but wanting more. I was in deep heat that I begged for his pleasure, which he gave me after pulling me strung tight again. After that tryst, we went back into easy conversation, discussing our experiences with the respective work we do — and I never even thought we would be talking for about a good hour with just work and did not feel bored or exhausted at all. Then again, like how he did early on — he maneuvered the conversation fast that by the time my senses caught up, I was already locked in trance with him. Only a day of conversation and he already knew the buttons to push, the things to ignite me, even without me knowing and realizing. He had complete power over my psych, knew the maze to my mind, and with that he had greater power over my body, willing it to do how he feels fit. After that, a couple of minutes passed and we had to end it since his wife is on her way home.

Days did pass and I remained in a trance with him, to the point of borderline obsession. I have never been challenged and aroused by someone the way he did, simply because he is fully aware of his faculties and definitely know how to use it to the best of its potential to make my mind submit to him. I kept going back to The Space, trying to find someone like him so I can dismiss him in my mind, but there is simply no one at par with him — whether it’s pretend or reality ‘him.’ A lot of men tried, all but failed.

Until I met The Contractor.




30 year old woman with thoughts and desires needing to be set free. A mixture of right and wrong, civil and illicit, secret and known.